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When There is No Hope...

I was always fat and all my friends and my family got used to it. Nobody, including me, could ever imagine me with another appearance.

Schoolchildren don't like fatties; they consider them to be losers, though nobody knows why. Therefore, I was often an object of mocking, but I got used to that too. However, there are always some good people in each group, so I was never alone. The time passed by, and I finished the school.

At the University the situation was a little bit worse. Though I got many friends, there were no guys among them. Boys just ignored me. Most of my fellow-students had dates almost every day; some of them were even going to get married. Perhaps, I would have overcome my single status if only my own friends hadn't surrounded themselves with handsome guys and begun spending all their free time with them.

The situation became critical and I decided to do something with my body. However, I couldn't keep to any diet for more than three days - my hunger was stronger than my desire to lose weight. It was very hard for me to do any physical exercise - my laziness was stronger than the desire to be attractive. Finally, hunger together with laziness made me give it all up, and I came to the thought to subdue to the fate’s will.

But my fate prepared a number of surprises for me. In a month after graduating from the University, I met a good guy and married him. A little later I got pregnant and began gaining weight with a frightening speed! Certainly, I wanted this baby very much, but every morning I was afraid to look into the mirror - such a big mom I was! Being on the ninth month of pregnancy, I was afraid my husband would leave me because I could hardly go through the door! But what scared me even more was the thought that I could remain like that forever!

As soon as I gave birth, my husband went to the sea and I stayed alone with the baby. Here my merry life began! I forgot about sleep, free time, about friends and even about food! Unfortunately, my little girl was too sickly, therefore, we visited our local clinic at least twice a week and I visited the pharmacy almost every day. All this took a lot of time, money and patience.

6 months passed in such a crazy rhythm. Then the time of my husband's arrival came. I put on my best clothes, left the baby with my cousin and went to the seaport. Soon a familiar figure appeared far away. I was happy to see him; I wanted to tell him so much. He looked brilliant - so tanned, well-built, though tired. At that moment, I finally understood how lucky I was to have such a husband. I couldn't help walking towards him.

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However, my husband looked at me and passed by! "Alex!" - I called out to him. He turned round, fixed his eyes on me and only then a happy smile crossed his face. "My Goodness! You look wonderful!" - He said and embraced me tight.

It turned out that during these tough six months I lost so much weight that even my own husband didn't recognize me! The funniest thing was that I didn't notice that myself! Certainly, sometimes I bought new clothes, but I had no time to check what size it was, all my thoughts were always only about the baby. And here was the reward for that hard work - I became twice as thinner!

Some women gain weight after pregnancy, and the things are completely different with the others. I don't want to say that all the fatties should become pregnant immediately! But… (just keep it in mind...)

Jane, 27

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