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Pain Relief Center

A well-known medieval writer Miguel Cervantes wrote that there is no such pain, physical or mental, that would not be decreased by time and would not be cured by death.

Though such attitude to pain is expressed by a very noble and respected man, it sounds strange and weird. More than 400 years, passed from the days of Cervantes, gave such a magnificent push to the development of medicine that nowadays no one is waiting until time or death cure pain.

Modern people are much better equipped for fighting pain, than Don Quixote, who had to fight the windmills.

Cervantes gave his hero a spear to fight windmills. Pillwatch.com gives its readers information - the first and the most important weapon to win the battle with pain.

Understanding pain is the first step on the way of pain relieving. Articles on nature of pain, its types and common causes as well as description of available pain relieving medications are called to make this way easy, short and resulting.

Information is organized into following categories:
Arthritis ReliefArthritis Relief
All the people irrespective of nationality, age, sex, and social status dream about something. Though their dreams are different, they do have a common feature: people usually dream of achieving, having, ...

Chest Pain Relief
They say chest pain is a symptom, not a disease. Such statement, however, does not bring any relief. In fact, a person unaware of what it actually means can become really puzzled and scared on hearing such a ...

Migraine ReliefMigraine Relief
There are dozens, or maybe hundreds of dangerous and even life-threatening diseases in the world. Their worst consequences are frightful. They make not only their victims, but relatives of the sufferers as ...

Pain Relief OptionsPain Relief Options
Pain can be of two types: psychological or physical. It is a moot point, which one is worse, though the difference is out of question. Every person searches his own way to ease psychological pain (when soul ...

Pain UnderstandingPain Understanding
Every person is unique. Everyone has his own points of view, thoughts and the world outlook. At last, everyone lives his own life. Basic principles, which we live up to, are formed due to our age, ...
Test Your Knowledge - Try Our Quizzes:
Arthritis and Chronic Pain Quiz
Chronic pain, including arthritis pain affects more than 70 million people in the USA alone. The world scale of this debilitating condition is even more impressive and frightful. This quiz covers the most basic facts about chronic pain and its ...

Quiz on Celebrex, Ultram, and Tylenol
Celebrex, Ultram, and Tylenol represent the current state of medical science in the field of pain relieving. In fact, these medications can be used to treat a wide variety of illnesses, including mild to severe pain management, arthritis, muscle or ...

Migraine Quiz
Throbbing and pulsating pain, appearing periodically in one’s head, may become a real disaster for a person. The type of headache, known as migraines, is one of the most severe types of pain. That is why knowing the basic facts about migraines and ...

Angina Treatments Quiz
Chest pain may be a sign of many different disorders. However, very often it is associated with angina – a very serious and potentially life-threatening condition. That is why it is important to know what treatments are available to relieve chest ...

Chest Pain Quiz
It is said that people may experience chest pain, caused by a variety factors, including unrequited love, defeat of favorite football team, or certain health disorders. In order to understand the true cause of chest pain and predict the potential ...

Read more in Pain Relief Quizzes
Test Yourself! - Try Our Tests:
What Is the Cause of Your Back Pain?
Back pain or backache is a very common condition among people around the world. This type of pain does not usually appear on its own – in the majority of cases it can be originated from different underlying conditions, such as arthritis or even ...

Is Your Chest Pain Related to Heart Problems?
Though chest pain is considered to be a symptom and not a disease, this symptom may signalize of very serious underlying health problems. Heart attack is the most common and the most threatening condition associated with chest pain or angina. The ...

Migraine Self-test
Affecting up to 15% of general population, most of which are women, migraine brings so much pain to sufferers’ lives. It is considered that one of the biggest problems about this disorder is that a great majority of migraine sufferers remain ...
Latest reviews compiled exclusively for our visitors:
Save Money on Migraine Medications
Speaking plain medical language, migraine is the type of severe headache lasting from 4 to 72 hours, which is frequently accompanied with nausea, vomiting, and increased sensitivity to light or ...

Treximet in Migraine Management
Migraine is not just a headache: while the latter can be difficult to cope with, the first one is torturing, destructive, and absolutely disabling. Migraine attack may ...

Selective and Non-selective NSAIDs Risks
Definitely, all of us would like to believe that a human being was made to live in peace and harmony with the surrounding world, to enjoy the living, to be happy, to love and to be loved, and ...

How Does Tramadol Relieve Pain?
Tramadol is used to treat moderate to moderately severe pain. It is a man-made (synthetic) analgesic, in other words - pain reliever. Generally the drug is used to relieve pain after certain ...

Abortive and Preventive Migraine Treatments
It goes without saying that preventing some disaster is usually easier than eliminating the consequences of it. It is especially important for certain health disorders, which are not curable for the ...

Written exclusively for PillWatch. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed in any form.
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Arthritis Relief Risks and Benefits of Celebrex Health is the best wealth. It is not just a saying, it is the truth. Every person would like to preserve his/her good health or to get rid of the existing illnesses. An immense variety of ...

Impotence Drugs and Nitrates A number of impotence drugs have been available on the market for some time now. Thanks to them millions of men can enjoy the pleasure of intimate relations and thus live a full life. Who knows, ...

Migraine Relief Frova in Fighting Menstrual migraines Women suffer migraines three times more frequently than men do, and menstrual migraines affect 60 percent of these women. Such a headache has rather significant impact on a woman's life, so plenty of ...

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Pain Understanding Arthritis Did you ever watch a puppet show? You must have noticed how easy it was for the puppets to walk, jump and dance. The parts of their arms and legs are always connected with thin threads. The latter ...

Celebrex CelebrexCelebrex is the FDA approved drug for treatment of rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis, and it is currently the world's most widely prescribed drug for treatment of pain related to arthritis.

Imitrex Imitrex targets the nerves and blood vessels that are believed to trigger migraine : the pain, nausea, sensitivity to light and sound.

Maxalt Maxalt (or Rizatriptan) is a prescription medicine used to treat migraine attacks in adults. Maxalt also helps relieve migraine symptoms such as nausea and sensitivity to light.

Mobic Mobic is a once-daily tablet used to relieve the signs and symptoms of osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

Motrin Motrin is used to reduce fever and treat pain or inflammation caused by many conditions such as back pain, headache, arthritis, toothache, menstrual cramps, or minor injury.

Naprosyn Naprosyn is used for treating rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, and juvenile arthritis. It is also used to treat tendonitis, bursitis, gout, menstrual cramps, or mild to moderate pain.

Tramadol TramadolTramadol is the generic drug for the medication Ultram. It works by blocking out the size of the pain signals being sent to the brain thus reducing the amount of pain you believe you feel.

Ultram UltramUltram is the brand name of the generic drug Tramadol, which is an analgesic used to treat or prevent pain.

Voltaren Voltaren reduces the amount of hormones that cause inflammation and pain in the body. Voltaren can be used for treatment of arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis etc.
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