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Stop Smoking Center

Once a wise man said that Goods and Evil are two rivers, whose waters are so much mixed, that sometimes it is very hard to define what is what.

Probably, that is the explanation of the smoking problem in our days. Cigarette smoking starts as an innocent entertainment, a kind of a new adventure; but when it is abused, it can be fatal for a human.

Smoking, like many other bad habits, is dangerous by its hidden influence on human organism. It creates a vision in our head that it helps overcome some of our problems. Meanwhile, it spoils our body and mind. What is even more dangerous: smoking kills us with our own hands. That is why smoking is a real self-destroy mechanism for a human being.

To get rid of this bad habit is not easy, it requires many will efforts, self-discipline and other people’s support.

Our aim is to show you the best way out of the smoking. This way is not always easy, but it is the most efficient for the time being.

Information is organized into following categories:
Medicine against SmokingMedicine against Smoking
A cigarette is like a dress of your best friend’s wife: the shorter it is, the closer you are to the trouble. Both attract, seduce and promise pleasure. Anyway, it is only a myth; reality is absolutely ...

Smoking BackgroundSmoking Background
In spite of the fact that every pack of cigarettes contains a note, warning people about terrible danger smoking may bring to their lives, tobacco still remains among the most consumed products in the world. ...

Smoking StoriesSmoking Stories
Smoking is a bad habit. It is one of the most widely spread abuses a human being can become addicted to. Cigarettes harm our health, spoil the beauty of our hair, skin and nails; at last, smoking makes our ...
Test Your Knowledge - Try Our Quizzes:
Smoking Quiz for Real Experts
Answering this quiz requires rather deep knowledge of smoking addiction mechanisms and basic statistics on smoking. But afterall, who said that the way to nicotine-free life is easy? So, finding the correct answers may become the first victory on ...

Stop Smoking Knowledge Quiz
Test your knowledge of the basic stop smoking issues, answering the questions of this quiz.

Read more in Stop Smoking Quizzes
Test Yourself! - Try Our Test:
Fagerstrom Test for Nicotine Dependence
Is smoking just a temporary habit for you or are you really addicted to it? Answer the questions of the test to find out the actual level of your addiction to smoking.
Latest reviews compiled exclusively for our visitors:
Bupropion as the Alternative to Zyban?
Originally invented in 1969, the medication called bupropion was primarily used as the antidepressant. By the way, bupropion, marketed by GlaxoSmithKline under the brand-name Wellbutrin, has always ...

Chantix Risks and Benefits
With more than 4 million prescriptions in the USA and over $880 million sales in 2007, Chantix, being a new molecular entity specifically designed by Pfizer scientists to treat nicotine addition, has ...

How to Take Chantix
It has already passed almost 2 years since the date of approval of Chantix – the first medication from Pfizer, specifically designed to treat smoking. Since then the perception of Chantix by ...

Not To Be Alone
Little Sandra was a very shy girl. Her parents taught her to be honest, modest, judicious... It was absolutely understandable that her friends would also be well-brought-up. When Sandra's ...

Cigarette v/c Sex
Why are men so stubborn? I always wondered about it. Most men think they are much cleverer than women; they do everything their own way ignoring women’s “stupid pieces of advice.” In many situations ...

Written exclusively for PillWatch. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed in any form.
Top Stories
Medicine against Smoking Nicotine Inhaler In spite of risk to change one kind of dependence to another, using nicotine replacement products, it’s really popular way to quit smoking. “Clean” nicotine (without the tar and carbon monoxide) ...

Smoking Background Dangers of Secondhand Smoke We all know that smoking is dangerous. They say a drop of nicotine can kill a horse not to mention a human being. But without knowing the facts and going deeper into the problem it can sound really ...

Smoking Stories First Steps Nowadays so many people smoke that I can hardly imagine our world without cigarettes. They smoke for years or even for the whole life because it's not easy to give up, though everyone knows how ...

Chantix ChantixChantix (Varenicline) is the nicotine-free addition to the arsenal of quit-smoking aids approved by the FDA. By blocking the nicotine effects on the brain, Chantix interferes with the gratification a smoker gets from lighting up which decreases the chance of relapse.

Wellbutrin Wellbutrin is the brand name for Bupropion, a type of antidepressant that also acts as a stimulant. Chemically, Wellbutrin is the same as the anti-smoking drug Zyban.

Zyban ZybanZyban is the first nicotine-free prescription medication that tackles the biochemical basis of nicotine addiction, and it is currently the most prescribed prescription product for smoking cessation.
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