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The Vitamin V Stories: Old People's Advice

When I was young my modern granny taught me:"Remenber: love depends on sex. If you have bad sex, your love will disappear". While my grandpa interrupted her:"What are you talking about? Personally I never loved you, so what? We still have great sex!" "Great sex? I had great sex only once in my life and that was not with you!" After this phrase they started quarrelling. Old people...who cares. And I didn't understand my granny. I thought love can't dependent on anything: if you are in love, everything must be great, including sex.

Time passed. I met a wonderful man and we fell in love with each other. My grandparents were happy, but...

Everything was great at the beginning. We kissed and he seemed to be so excited. Soon I began wondering: why doesn't he invite me to his place? Why doesn't he want something more than just kisses? Perhaps I don't excite him, maybe I don't attract him as a woman?

My old granny couldn't help asking: "Have you already done it? And how was he?". Actually, I never thought old people are so interested in sex.

But this topic really began disturbing me. Each time I tried to be sexual I saw no reaction from him. Our dates turned to a competition with the final reward in the form of sex for me and the absence of sex for him. The worst thing was that I was losing! Finally, my granny (not me!) lost her patience. "He is an impotent,"- she said suddenly one evening. This thought struck me as a thunder in the clear sky. It explained it all. That could be why he was so afraid of intimacy.

While I was pondering over this thought and making a plan how to ask my admirer about it, someone knocked on the door. Well, my granny was never distinguished by inventiveness, so she opened the door and without even saying "good evening" asked my beloved man at once: "Are you an impotent?" Yep... Years take what they take.

The silence was depressing. He was looking at me and reading the same question in my eyes. In a moment he left without saying a word and I didn't know what to say either. That night I cried out a great amount of tears. I couldn't sleep, his eyes were in front of me and they were saying: yes, I'm an impotent, but I didn't think it could harm our love....

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Days were passing slowly. The more I thought about all this the more I realised: I still love him. I dialed his number. In an hour we were sitting in a cafe holding and kissing each other. "I tried to tell you, but I was so afraid! You know, it's not so bad. My doctor recommends "Viagra", he says in my case it will work. I just haven't tried it yet." Of course, Viagra! Why didn't I guess before? "We'll try together."- I replied.

"And don't listen to your grandma. I'll tell you a secret: I've been an impotent for more than 5 years and she still doesn't know - Viagra never let me down, not even at my age!"- said my grandpa when I came home. I was surprised. But now I knew that everything would be fine and I would be happy with my future husband.

Well, I can't say you shouldn't ever follow old people's pieces of advice. But sometimes you really shouldn't, believe me!

Anny, 28

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