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Smoking: Why is it Addictive and What can Help Quit?

There are so many articles, books, booklets, scientific manuscripts and other agitational materials, written about the harmful influence of smoking, that it seems impossible for a man to withstand such informative attack and not to quit smoking right after reading the warning on the next pack of cigarettes.

It seems to me that the reason for such irrational state of matters is in perception of smoking as one of man’s essential attributes. It is like driving a car on the extreme speed – everyone knows about the potential dangers of it, still there is hardly a man, who will miss a chance to feel the speed.

An old saying tells that there is a time for throwing stones about and there is a time to gather them. There is only one small “but” in this rule. Sometimes gathering stones is much harder than throwing them. This is the main truth about smoking. Quitting may become a real challenge for the man’s will. On the other hand, facing a challenge is also one of man’s essential attributes.

The information below is for those men, who have already approached a decision to quit smoking and seeks for reliable allies to win the bad habit.

There are two major things, necessary for a man to quit smoking successfully: a strong will and information. Will is necessary to make a decision and to follow it. Information is necessary to understand the basics of the smoking addiction in order to overcome it.

Why is smoking addictive? It is due to nicotine - one of the more than 4000 chemicals, found in the cigarette smoke. Nicotine reaches brain as quick as 10 seconds after inhaling the smoke. Being inside the organism, nicotine works in two directions: 1) it stimulates the adrenal glands and causes the adrenaline discharge, resulting in increased heart rate, blood pressure and respiration; 2) it causes the release of dopamine (one of hormones in human brain) into those brain regions, which are considered to control pleasure and motivation.

Actually, nicotine is similar to cocaine, heroine and other illicit drugs in its ability to cause the dopamine release. This is the very source of addiction, because human body gets used to such “dopes of happiness” and responds with unpleasant withdrawal symptoms, when a person tries to quit smoking or drug taking.

The most typical withdrawal symptoms after smoking cessation are increased anger, hostility, anxiety and aggression, as well as decreased concentration and ability to resist stresses.

Withdrawal symptoms are the main factors, making a person start smoking again. That is why it is important to get ready for them and to look for an appropriate ally to overcome those symptoms.

What medications can help quit smoking? For the time being there are two approaches in medicine to help people quit smoking: - nicotine replacement therapy; - non-nicotine therapy.

It is worthy to mention here, that usually any type of therapy is accompanied with certain psychological help, like counseling or support from family members in order to increase treatment efficiency.

Nicotine-replacement therapy (NRT). All the NRT medications differ in their form, but not in efficiency or in mode of acting. For the time being there are five groups of NRT medications: - nicotine gum (Nicorette, Nicotin polacrilex) - nicotine inhaler (Nicotrol) - nicotine spray (Nicotrol NS) - nicotine patch (NicoDerm) - nicotine lozenge

In fact, treating with NRT is like an intermediate stage between the life with cigarettes and the life without them. This stage has signs of both life periods: you still continue receiving nicotine, though you do not smoke cigarettes.

All the NRTs are alternative sources of nicotine (but not tars and carcinogens from cigarettes), used to ease the transition form smoking to non-smoking life. Moreover, NRTs supply nicotine in more steady and controllable manner, eliminating so cold “nicotine hits”, which are especially dangerous for health.

The majority of NRT forms (gums, patches, inhalers or hard candies) are made only for everyone to be able to choose the option, which suites him best.

In general, NRT allows to gradually decrease the amount of nicotine in the organism and to eliminate withdrawal symptoms; thus it can double the chances to quit smoking successfully.

Non-nicotine therapy This kind of therapy is for those people, who decided to quit smoking once and forever, using the most decisive means. This therapy does not provide the alternative supply of nicotine, but it helps reduce the withdrawal symptoms and cravings for nicotine with the help of bupropion chloride.

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Zyban is the brand name for this medication and it is the only oral pill for the time being, which is approved by the Food and Drug Administration as the non-nicotine treatment option to quit smoking.

Zyban originates from anti-depressant drug and it acts on the level of bio-chemical reactions in the human brain. It can restore normal balance of dopamine hormone and thus eliminate cravings and symptoms after quitting smoking.

So, as it can be seen, there are enough medical options to choose when fighting against smoking. Anyway, a man should first make a right decision (which is sometimes 50% of the final success) and choose the appropriate ally to become a winner in the struggle against such a rather serious opponent as nicotine addiction.

Don’t forget that winner takes it all. In case with smoking health is a bet.


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