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Does Viagra Strike Your Eyes? The Problem of Blurred Vision

Vision loss is the biggest side effect for Viagra right now. Does it mean that the problem is so big that people would take it less? Unlikely, doctors say. And Viagra manufacturer Pfizer is very happy about that.

Pfizer, the largest drug maker over the globe, is now seeking options to protect its Viagra from the recall that it faced with its once very popular Bextra. This recall caused huge losses for the drug giant. Taking Bextra led to severe side effects among the people that took them and caused several deaths. Pfizer is not alone on the list of suffering drugmakers. The recall of popular painkiller Vioxx led to huge losses for its maker Merck.

But Pfizer is quite optimistic about its Viagra, saying the positive effect of it is bigger than slight side effects that are individual and happen rarely.

Basically Viagra is claimed to cause a condition called non-arthritic ischemic optic neuropathy (NAION) among some people that take it. NAION is also known as a stroke of the eye. In terms of physiology NAION is caused by the drop in blood pressure, when the flow of oxygenated blood to the optic nerve is restricted. NAION can be dangerous as it can lead to permanent vision loss, doctors say. Specialists suggest that you call a doctor immediately after you feel anything wrong with your eyes. Generally, doctors that prescribe Viagra should warn their clients about the possibility of NAION. Risk group include patients with several heart diseases.

So, you took some Viagra in an attempt to have fun with your girl-friend of wife, but you feel that something is wrong with your eyes. What should you do after visiting a doctor? You probably think it is just the time to call your attorney. Probably yes, but not necessarily. Pfizer says it all goes individually, so if you visited a doctor before taking Viagra, you are not 100% protected from the side effects, including blurred vision. Yet, an experienced lawyer would definitely help you more than your grandma in case you have problems with your eyes and want to sue a drugmaker.

Before filing a lawsuit, sit for a moment and think about the reasons of your taking the drug. Were they complicated enough for you to be unaware about all the consequences? If yes, then you’d probably take the risk of having side effects even with the notion of the problems you might face.

To know how to treat it, you should know what that fuss is all about. First, you might face the problem of change in color vision if you take Viagra. Some people experienced difficulties in telling the differences between blue and green objects, according to a University of Minnesota research. The research, which studied men aged between 50 and 69, showed that some patients that took Viagra had blurred vision or other vision problems within 36 hours after taking the drug. Another study in the US showed that there were about 14 people suffering from blurred vision because of taking Viagra. It is notable that the signs of blurred vision could be noticed within the first 24 to 36 hours after taking Viagra as well.

Blurred vision is basically a lack of sharpness in vision, with the inability to see fine detail. It is easier to imagine for the people that wear corrective lens. When you put them off, blurred vision occurs. This Viagra side effect may lead to temporary or permanent blindness.

Viagra has already launched the toll of its victims as about 50 people claimed that they had problems with vision after taking Viagra. The University of Minnesota research contributed to the rumors. People started talking that Viagra will soon take lives of hundreds of people all over the globe, dwindling its popularity down. But if Viagra is more harmless rather than useful, what makes so many men in all the countries of the world take it regularly? People are not even afraid of such side effects as blurred or lost vision if they continue making friends with the men drug #1 in the world, no? But the statements that blurred vision is random would have to be postponed until the final results of many researches.

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The main problem occurred when a Montgomery County, Texas man filed a lawsuit against Pfizer, saying the company did not take appropriate steps in warning Viagra users about the blurred vision side effect. The step will probably lead to the increasing number of lawsuits against the company that produces Viagra. But that doesn’t mean that the man’s blindness should stop the use of this very popular drug. So, weigh all pluses and minuses before taking it. It could help a lot for you to face fewer problems in the future.

To make a conclusion from all the horrible things we’ve said above, I must note that things are not that horrible. If you really suffer from erectile dysfunction, Viagra could probably be the best option for you, in case you don’t want to undergo surgery. Think of that many people that found a new wave of happiness in their lives because of Viagra. Maybe your life is worth trying and sometimes taking risks?


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