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Moles and Melanomas: Risks and Prevention

A lot of work has been done by the scientists since 1787, the year when the first case of surgical removal of the metastatic malignant melanoma was done. These days doctors know much more about the appearing of moles and turning them into malignant melanomas, still it seems to be not enough at all, since it is constantly reported about the increase of skin cancer cases due to melanomas. As any other health condition it may target anyone under the certain circumstances; thus, knowing the basics of the healthy skin, benign moles, and dangerous melanomas looks very reasonable.

General Overview

Malignant melanoma is the most serious type of skin cancer. It occurs due to the mutations in the DNA of melanocyte cells, the ones that produce skin natural pigment, and their uncontrolled growth. It may appear as a new skin formation or develop from the existing mole on the skin surface. Scientists still do not know the exact cause of the melanomas development. The conducted studies of the oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes did not show their major role in the formation of skin melanomas.

Although there are different types of melanomas, most of them initially develop on the skin surface, progressing and spreading vertically down to the deeper layers of skin and to other body organs and parts. However, malignant melanomas may also occur on the internal organs, on the mucous membranes, and even in the eyes. Besides, they may also be skin-colored, which makes it next to impossible to notice their development.

Perhaps, the most challenging thing about skin melanomas is that they are very difficult to diagnose in the majority of cases, though timely treatment is the key factor for the successful recovery from the disease.

The Check Test

The majority of malignant melanomas may look or may actually be ordinary harmless moles (melanocytic nevi). Under the favorable circumstances the latter may eventually turn into harmful and dangerous skin cancer tumors. Using a simple test any person may check his or her moles at home to discover any changes in them or the appearance of the new moles to evaluate whether they should later be examined by a professional.

According to this test, one may check the existence of such characteristic features of the potentially dangerous moles:

-         A – asymmetry;

-         B – irregular, rigged borders;

-         C – uneven color;

-         D – diameter (larger than 6mm);

-         E – evolving or changing of the moles.


Even the absence of the mentioned features in certain people should not stop them from consulting a doctor as for the state of their skin. The matter is that some persons may be at higher risk of developing malignant melanomas than others. The risk factors include:

  1. Family history of skin cancer due to malignant melanomas.
  2. Personal history of malignant melanomas.
  3. Large number of skin moles (more than 50).
  4. The existence of dysplastic nevi (atypical moles).
  5. The existence of congenital nevi (moles existing at birth), especially if they are large.
  6. Excessive sun exposure.
  7. Inability to tan and predisposition to burn in the sun with peeling skin.
  8. Fair skin and freckles.
  9. Weakened immune system.
  10.  Xeroderma pigmentosum - an inherited condition when the body lacks special enzymes that aim at repairing damaged DNA.

It should be noted that men are more likely to be targeted by melanomas than women. This cancer usually affects the back of a man. However, women may also suffer from malignant melanomas, but on the lower legs.

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In many cases it is suggested that the development of malignant melanoma may be prevented by quite easy and simple means. The most frequent and, actually, the most effective option is said to be the avoidance of sunlight, as ultraviolet radiation is associated with many cases of skin cancer. Here it should be underlined that wearing a protective cream (sunscreen) may be of little use, as some scholars confirm it does not actually protect from the UV rays.

Wearing clothes with long sleeves, staying inside from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. and checking regularly the existing moles at the doctor’s are the optimal steps one may take to reduce one’s risks of malignant melanoma development.

The newest technology made it possible to even test one’s genes for the mutation and predisposition to melanomas. However, these days few people have actual access to this technology and it is not yet widely used.

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