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Relieving Your Arthritis with NSAIDs
Arthritis is commonly known as a group of conditions connected with the damage caused to the joints of the body. In general, any inflammation of joints that causes pain and mostly affects people who are older than 55 is classified as arthritis. Each form of this condition has different cause. Autoimmune diseases in which body attacks itself are called rheumatoid arthritis and psoriatic arthritis. The cause of gouty arthritis is the deposition of uric acid crystals in the joint which leads to inflammation. Septic arthritis is the one caused by the infection of the joint. Osteoarthritis is the most common arthritis form. It occurs as the result of aging or infection of the joint. Moreover, abnormal body build may enhance early osteoarthritis development.
To fight arthritis symptoms health care providers usually prescribe the non-steroidal inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). This group of medicines possesses analgesic, antipyretic and anti-inflammatory properties, they reduce pain and inflammation. The NSAIDs mechanism of action is based on the blocking of theenzyme called cyclooxygenase which causes joint inflammation. The most common and widely used NSAIDs are aspirin, ibuprofen and naproxen.
Analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties of NSAIDs make them effective against pain and inflammation within a short period of time. The dosage of the medicine is defined by doctor only and depends on the condition of a definite patient. Small or right dose of NSAID for one person may be toxic for another.
COX-2 inhibitors are the special class of NSAIDs that appeared not so long ago. It is an effective relief for an arthritis pain and has a number of advantages over the other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. The efficacy of COX-2 inhibitors is advanced by the decreased number of side effects, as compared to older NSAIDs.
Speaking of NSAIDs’ side effects, in 2005 FDA launched the campaign aimed at the more careful study of the side effects of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medicines. The NSAIDs makers were requested to carefully investigate the side effects of their products. The results of the research were aimed at extending the information on health risks associated with the anti-inflammatory drugs. Stomach pain and heartburn, stomach ulcers, liver or kidney problems, leg swelling and high blood pressure are among the most typical side effects. Since chemicals in NSAIDs inhibit prostaglandins which functions in the body to protect the stomach lining, regulate salt and fluid balance, promote clotting of the blood, , and maintain blood flow to the kidneys when kidney function is reduced, all the mentioned above disorders may occur as associated with NSAIDs use.
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Among other side effects are dizziness and headache, allergic reactions and ringing in the ears. There are some tips to minimize NSAIDs side effects. To minimize the risk of stomach symptoms use the medicines with food or take coated aspirin, since it doesn’t irritate the stomach directly. NSAIDs taken once a day stay in the system longer than others, so try to avoid their use, especially if you are over 65. And finally, try to use the lowest possible dose to control the side effects.
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